Gin Bisbino among the best "London Dry Gin" in the world.

Bisbino is very happy to announce that the highly respected magazine Falstaff, distributed in Austria, Germany and Switzerland, in its special issue SPIRITS 2021, has selected Bisbino Gin as the second best "London Dry" in the world ex aequo with Elephant Gin.
A very important acknowledgement, on an international level, that we welcome as a great praise to the work that we carry out meticulously and with great passion every day but above all as a motivation to continue to give our best.
It is also an endorsement that should cheer the entire Canton of Ticino and its food and wine producers up so that they become more aware of their quality and potential, even beyond national borders.
Founded in 1980 in Austria, Falstaff is now the most important German-language food and wine magazine in Europe, with a monthly circulation of 150,000 copies.